Welcome to the Carolina Cabinet!
Oct. 9, 2024

Show #121: Tom Hatch on Education Challenges and His Vision for the School Board

Show #121: Tom Hatch on Education Challenges and His Vision for the School Board

Welcome to Carolina Cabinet! I'm your host, Peter Pappas, and today we've got a special treat for you. In this episode, we're focusing on Tom Hatch, a seasoned educator who's thinking about shaking things up as he runs for the Cumberland County School Board.

Tom's got 32 years in the education game, and he's not afraid to share his thoughts on everything from student discipline to balancing tech with good old-fashioned textbooks. We'll hear about his plans to bring fresh ideas and tackle big issues like funding and policy changes.

So, grab your headphones and settle in for a chat full of insights and real talk about making our schools better for everyone. You won't want to miss it!